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Duplicating personal repls into Team Projects

Teams for Education admins may duplicate repls from their personal accounts into a Team for Education as a Team Project.

Forking Personal Repls into Team Projects - Watch Video

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Open the CLUI tool from the top left drop down menu or by navigating to

![Opening the CLUI tool](" alt="Opening the CLUI tool)

Type or search Team > fork-repl-to-project

CLUI view of transfer repls into Team Projects tool

Open the repl you'd like to duplicate in a new tab. Copy and paste the repl slug or URL into the first form field.

Where to find a repl URL

Copy and paste the username of the destination team into the second form field.

Where to find a team username

If you would like this to be a group project, check off the box next to isGroupProject.

Filling in the form

Click Submit and find the new project in your destination Team!