Agent uses powerful AI technology to transform your ideas into applications and seamlessly add new features by describing what you want.

Agent v2, now in early access preview, offers the following improvements:

  • Improved ability to identify necessary changes before making them
  • Less likely to get stuck in a loop when addressing a bug
  • Improved process for creating high-quality user interfaces, including displaying previews at an earlier stage

To use Agent v2, you must be a Core or Teams user and enable the Explorer role in your Account settings.


Agent uses several industry-leading AI models to create your apps. The core technology uses the following models:

  • Agent v1:
  • Agent v2:

Chat with Agent in your Replit App to receive the following support:

  • Create full-stack apps from scratch
  • Add advanced features and integrate complex APIs
  • Design, create, and modify database structures
  • Streamline environment setup and dependency management


Agent is available only in Replit Apps created from an Agent prompt.

You can access Agent in your Replit App workspace by selecting the Agent tool.

From the Agent tool, you can perform the following actions:

  • Chat: Describe your app or feature in the text area and respond to Agent’s follow-up questions
  • Add detailed requests: Upload files or import content from URLs to give Agent more information
  • Manage conversations: Select New chat or select previous conversations from the menu icon menu icon to start or resume a conversation
  • Track usage: Select the usage icon usage icon at the top right to view your billing page
  • Reverse changes: Undo changes made by Agent by selecting rollback icon Rollback to here

Chat prompts

To communicate your request to Agent, enter a prompt in the text area. A prompt is a natural language instruction that describes the task you want Agent to perform.

In addition to text, you can include the following data in your prompt:

  • File attachments: Drag a file into the text area or select the Paperclip icon paperclip icon
  • Web content: Include text data from a webpage by entering a URL and selecting Copy page content
  • Webpage screenshots: Include a screenshot of a webpage by entering a URL and selecting Take screenshot

When you select Take screenshot, Agent captures only the top of the webpage. If you must capture a different part, use a screenshot tool to capture the content and attach the image or images.

You can access attachments from your prompts by opening the Files tab icon Files tab and navigating to the attached_assets directory.

You can also perform the following actions in the Agent prompt area:

  • Prompt refinement: Let AI add detail to your first prompt by selecting Improve prompt icon Improve prompt
  • Feedback: After Agent finishes processing a prompt, you can select Have feedback? to send feedback to Replit
  • Pause: Stop Agent by selecting Pause above the text area

Your feedback helps Replit improve Agent. Use the feedback link to report issues, suggest improvements, or share your experience.


A checkpoint is a saved snapshot of the state of your Replit App. Agent automatically creates checkpoints at logical points while working on your request. Complex tasks can generate multiple checkpoints.

Each checkpoint lets you perform the following actions:

  • Rollback: Undo changes made by Agent and return to the state of the previous checkpoint.
  • Track usage: Hover over the usage icon usage icon in a checkpoint to view the amount billed for that checkpoint.

When Agent receives your initial prompt to setup and create an app, it presents an implementation plan for your review. Select Approve plan & start to let Agent start building your app.

Replit charges a fee for each checkpoint except when proposing initial plans. To learn more about pricing, see Replit AI Billing.

Progress tab

The Progress tab shows a record of Agent’s actions. You can use it to view the following:

  • Real-time updates: monitor Agent’s progress and navigate directly to relevant files by selecting the link icon link icon
  • Chronological history: review Agent’s activities to understand the details of the changes and troubleshoot issues when needed

The following animation shows the Progress tab in action: