The Webview is a specialized Tool for previewing and debugging your web application.

By default, when your Replit App exposes an HTTP server, Webview automatically opens. If you don’t want this intrusive behavior, there is a setting to turn it off.

Developer tools

Click on the Wrench icon to open the developer tools in Webview. The developer tools will allow you to see console logs, inspect elements, view network requests, and more.


Why can’t I edit the URL in Webview?

The URL shown in Webview is read-only and points to the root route of your Replit App’s web output through the <iframe> HTML element. To test a different route, click the button on the far right to open your project’s web output in a new browser tab.

What’s the difference between the Webview and an Extension?

The Webview is a normal iframe whereas an Extension establishes a special handshake with the Replit workspace. Read more here.