You can customize your coding experience by opening up the Settings tool in the Tools section.


Default layout

The initial layout of the workspace when you enter a new Replit App.

Font size

The font size of the code editor.

Indent type

Whether your code uses tabs or spaces for indentation.

Indent size

The number of tabs/spaces each indentation level consists of.


Determines whether your code should wrap or scroll horizontally within the editor.


The type of keybinds you use while coding. Options include default, emacs, and vim.

Multiselect modifier key

The modifier key used for selecting multiple items in the filetree.\

Automatically open Webview when a port is open

Determines whether the Webview tool should open whenever your Replit App serves an HTTP webserver on any port.


Allows you to control the site-wide theme.

Code intelligence

Determines whether autocomplete/suggestions/intellisense should be enabled.

Replit AI Complete Code

Determines whether Replit AI’s Complete Code feature should be enabled. Exclusive to Replit AI subscribers.


Accessible Terminal Output

Allows screen readers to access the contents of the Shell and the Console. If enabled, this setting has the potential to negatively affect performance.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Allows you to customize keybinds for specific functions in the workspace.

Toggle sidebar

Opens or closes the sidebar

Toggle Commandbar

Opens or closes the command bar

Toggle pane context menu

Opens or closes the options for the currently-focused Workspace Pane.

Switch to next tab

Switches you to the next Tab in the currently-focused Pane.

Switch to previous tab

Switches you to the previous Tab in the currently-focused Pane.

New tab

Creates a new empty Tab.

Close tab

Closes the currrently-focused Tab.

Find file

Opens up a file search.

Search file contents

Opens up a tool to search contents across all files with a single text query.

Run Replit App

Runs the Replit App.

See multiplayers

Shows all multiplayers in the Replit App.

Show shell

Switches focus to the shell if it exists as a tab in the workspace. If no shell tab is exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Show console

Switches focus to the console if it exists as a tab in the workspace. If no console tab exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Show docs

Switches focus to the Replit documentation if it exists as a tab in the workspace. If no docs tab exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Show Replit AI

Switches focus to Replit AI Chat if it exists as a tab in the workspace. If no Replit AI Chat tab exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Show settings

Switches focus to settings if it exists as a tab in the workspcae. If no settings tab exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Show git

Switches focus to the Git tool if it exists as a tab in the workspace. If no Git tab exists in the workspace, opens and focuses a new one.

Toggle float group

Toggles whether the currently-focused Pane is floating or not.

Toggle maximize group

Toggles whether the currently-focused Pane is maximized or not.

Close group

Closes the currently-focused Pane, including all files in tools located in it.

Close other tabs in group

Closes all other Tabs in the currently-focused Pane, except for the currently-focused one

Insert group above

Inserts and focuses a Pane above the currently-focused Pane.

Insert group right

Inserts and focuses a Pane to the right of the currently-focused Pane.

Insert group left

Inserts and focuses a Pane to the left of the currently-focused Pane.

Insert group below

Inserts and focuses a Pane below the currently-focused Pane.

Move tab into group above

Moves the currently-focused Tab into the Pane located above the currently-focused Pane.

Move tab into group left

Moves the currently-focused Tab into the Pane located to the left of the currently-focused Pane.

Move tab into group right

Moves the currently-focused Tab into the Pane located to the right of the currently-focused Pane.

Move tab into group below

Moves the currently-focused Tab into the Pane located below the currently-focused Pane.

Move focus to group above

Switches focus from the currently-focused Tool or File to the open Tool or File in the Pane located above.

Move focus to group left

Switches focus from the currently-focused Tool or File to the open Tool or File in the Pane located to the left.

Move focus to group right

Switches focus from the currently-focused Tool or File to the open Tool or File in the Pane located to the right.

Move focus to group below

Switches focus from the currently-focused Tool or File to the open Tool or File in the Pane located below.

Move cursor left

Moves the cursor position one character to the left.

Move cursor left across one group

Moves the cursor position one keyword to the left.

Move selection left

Moves the current selection left by one character.

Move selection left across one group

Moves the current selection left by one keyword.

Move cursor right

Moves the cursor position one character to the right.

Move cursor right across one group

Moves the cursor position one keyword to the right.

Move selection right

Moves the current selection right by one character.

Move selection right across one group

Moves the current selection right by one keyword.

Move cursor up

Moves the cursor up by one line.

Move cursor down

Moves the cursor down by one line.

Move selection up

Moves the current selection up by one line.

Move selection down

Moves the current selection down by one line.

Go to line

Opens and focuses an input. Upon confirmation, jumps you to the specified line.

Select next selection occurrence

Selects the next occurrence of a matched term in a search operation.

Select all selection matches

Selects all occurrences of a matched term in a search operation.

Fold all

Folds all code blocks in the current file.

Unfold all

Unfolds all code blocks in the current file.

Add line comment

Adds a line comment in the current file, in the current file’s language.

Remove line comment

Removes the line comment on the current line of the current file.