With a free Replit account, personal Replit App are public by default.

As an individual, you can make your Replit App private by subscribing to our Replit Core membership (previously Hacker or Pro) that comes with unlimited private Replit App.

Teams Pro accounts come with the ability to make any Team Replit App private.

Private Replit App can only be accessed by directly invited guests or by team members.

Creating a private Replit App

You can make a Replit App private by toggling the Replit App to Private when you’re making a new Replit App from a Template or forking an existing Replit App.

Making an existing Replit App private

From the Workspace

You can make any public Replit App private by toggling it on from the Workspace.

  1. Navigate to your Replit App
  2. Open the info panel by clicking on your Replit App’s name in the navbar
  3. Make your Replit App private by pressing the Private toggle

From the My Replit App page

You can also make any of your public Replit App private from the My Replit App page.

  1. Navigate to the My Replit App page from the left sidebar
  2. Hover over the “Public” copy on the card of the Replit App you want to make private
  3. Press the “Make private” button