Managing your Replit App
Learn how to organize, search, and control privacy settings for your Replit Apps. Includes guidance on public vs private apps and starring favorites.
To manage and keep track of all your Replit App, head to your Replit App Dashboard. You can find it on your account by clicking on the “My Replit App” tab on the left-hand side.
Replit App are listed in order of when they were created, with the most recent first. Each Replit App has its own three-dot menu at the far right. Bringing up this menu will allow you to:
- Edit the Replit App (change its name and description)
- View its history
- Fork the Replit App
- Move the Replit App
- Pin it to your profile
- Delete the Replit App
- Toggle privacy settings (subscribers only)
Public vs Private Replit App
All Replit App created are ‘public’ by default, meaning anyone on Replit may discover and view the source code. We think that open-source software is a great thing. It allows users to fork, remix, and republish these Replit App to the community, where others can engage and comment.
Users with a Replit Core membership (previously Hacker or Pro) can make their Replit App ‘private’. This means that only the creator and anyone they explicitly invite can view the source code.
Note that Private Replit App will be inaccessible to other users on Replit if the Replit App is hosted, such as HTML, Node.js, or Django Replit App. However, the output of those Replit App may still be accessible on the internet. If you are hosting sensitive information, we reccomend using a non-hosted Replit App to ensure privacy.
Starring Replit App
You can “star” a Replit App to mark it as a favorite. This means you can then easily filter your dashboard to show only your starred Replit App by clicking on the star slider at the top of your dashboard. There is no limit to how many Replit App you can star. Only you can see which Replit App you have starred; this info will not appear in your profile.
To search your Replit App, click on the command bar at the top of the home page. Click “My Replit App” and start typing to filter Replit App whose title matches your query.