Matt Palmer

Head of Developer Relations

What’s new

Repl -> App

Repls are now “Apps.” We like simplicity around here.

Enhanced notifications

We’ve improved how we communicate payment failures and invoice issues. You’ll now receive a 24-hour grace period before your App is suspended, along with more transparency throughout the process.

We hope this update will help you avoid any disruptions to your Replit experience.

Object Storage improvements

We’ve added search functionality and pagination (pages) to the Object Storage pane, making it easier to browse your files.

De-cluttered diffs

Assistant file changes now open temporary diff panes. This makes it easier to see the changes you’re making without bogging down your workspace with endless tabs.

The panes automatically close when you apply the changes.

More performant Agent in Asia

We’ve optimized our cloud services for Agent users in Asia. You’ll notice snappier responses and a much smoother experience.

X login

You can now register and sign-in to Replit with X. Welcome to the future.

Rapid repo import

Want to bring your favorite GitHub repo to Replit?

You can now do so instantly.

Just type into your browser, for example: