Managing Members
One of the most important functions of Replit Teams is adding collaborators to your organization.
Viewing members
The “Members” option in the sidebar shows a list of current organization members, with some information about their default group and recent activity.
This view also supports removing users from the organization (using the trash icon), or adding new ones via the add button in the top right corner. This action may be disabled if there are not enough seats available for new members, or if the user does not have permission to add new organization members.
Adding members
Clicking the “Add” button in the corner of the Members page will open a modal with a search input. Existing Replit users can be found via username or email, while non-Replit users can be added by email. Options for the new member’s default group will appear after the user has been selected or the email address is complete.
Existing users will be added immediately, and the seat will be consumed immediately. Non-Replit users will be added to the organization after creating an account. The seat won’t be consumed until this happens. The invitation sent via email expires after seven days.
Removing members
Eligible users can remove users from the organization using either the trash can icon or the context menu opened from the triple dot to the right of each member row.
Removing a user from the organization requires a confirmation step. After the user is removed, a seat is freed up immediately and may be used to invite a new organization member.
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