Where to manage seats

Seats can be managed from the Organization’s billing settings or the members page.

Adding Seats

Adding a seat happens immediately and you will pay a prorated value for the seat for the remainder of your billing period and get a prorated Monthly Credit. For example, if you are half way through the billing period, the seat will cost 50% of the full cost, and the Monthly Credit for the seat will be 50%. At the next billing period cycle, the seat will cost full value and the Monthly Credit will be the full amount.

Removing Seats

To remove a seat from your organization, that seat must be empty. Any seat that is associated with a user cannot be removed. Removing a seat does not immediately take effect - you will have access to this seat until the end of your current billing period. At the start of the next billing period, your organization will have the updated number of seats.

Adding members to seats scheduled for removal

If you have a seat scheduled to be removed at the start of the next billing period, you still can add a member to consume that seat. Adding a member will stop that seat from being removed at the start of the next billing period.