The extension.json file contains the manifest for an Extension and needs to be placed in a public directory such that it is served at the root (/extension.json). You are required to provide a manifest file to publish an Extension to the Extensions Store.
Authentication API
The auth api module allows you to securely authenticate a Replit user if they use your extension.
Background Script API
Background scripts are loaded when the Repl opens. They remain permanently loaded until the extension is uninstalled or you close the workspace.
commands API
The commands api module allows you to register commands that can be run from the CLUI command bar and other contribution points.
Data API
The data API allows you to get information and metadata exposed from Replit's GraphQL API.
Debug API
The debug api module allows you to log data to the Extension Devtools
Editor API
The editor api module allows you to get the current user's editor preferences.
Exec API
The exec api module allows you to execute arbitrary shell commands.
Filesystem API
The fs or filesystem API allows you to create, read, and modify files on the repl's filesystem.
Initialization API
The init() method initializes the Extension, establishes a handshake with the Repl, and adds an event listener to the window object. It takes as an argument an object containing optional parameters for the initialization process. It returns a function that removes the event listener added to the window object.
The me api module exposes information specific to the current extension.
Messages API
The messages API allows you to send custom notices in the Replit workspace.
ReplDB is a simple key-value store available on all repls by default. Extensions can use ReplDB to store repl specific data.
Session API
The session api provides you with information on the current user's coding session in the workspace.
Themes API
The themes api allows you to access the current user's theme and utilize the color tokens accordingly.