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Public Profiles


Public profiles on Replit enable Organizations to showcase their brand, products, libraries, or templates to a broader audience. Here are some key use cases for public profiles:

  • Developer Relations: Developer-centric companies can share forkable documentation, examples, demos, and self-hosted solutions.
  • Pre-Sales and Sales Flows: Organizations can share content with clients or customers to demonstrate how something works during introductory calls.
  • Building Brand Awareness: Companies can tap into Replit’s community by promoting their content and increasing visibility.

Creating a public profile

Each Organization has a public profile, which will not have any information other than the Organization name by default. Private Profile

To enable the profile page, an Organization admin needs to navigate to the Organization profile settings page and switch the profile visibility to public. This allows them to manage the contents of the public profile. Private Profile Settings

Once the profile visibility is set to public, admins can update the contents of the public profile. Public Profile Settings

Profile page content

  • Avatar - Upload your brand logo image to represent your organization.
  • Social Links - Promote your website and cross-link to your social profiles.
  • Bio - Describe your organization to give visitors a clear understanding of who you are.
  • Public Repls - Showcase all the Repls your organization has made public to the Replit community.

Accessing the profile

Once you create public Repls, each Repl has its own cover page, which is publicly accessible. Repl Cover Page

Users can navigate to your Organization's public profile by hovering over the organization name and selecting the logo or name. This is how the finalized public profile will appear. Public Profile

Creating public Repls

In the Repl creation modal, you will find two options:

  • Internal to (Organization Name) - Creates a private Repl that is accessible only within the organization, based on the defined access rules.
  • Public to Replit - Creates a public Repl that is accessible to anyone.

Public Repl Creation

  • Public visibility can also be managed from the Access modal within the workspace.

Public Repl Access

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