# Add a "Made with Replit" badge to your Webview
Source: https://docs.replit.com/additional-resources/add-a-made-with-replit-badge-to-your-webview
Learn how to add, customize, and embed a Made with Replit badge in your Replit App's webview to showcase your project and link back to your cover page.
You can add a "Made with Replit" badge in your public Replit App's webview. It will link back to your Replit App's cover page so that visitors can learn more about your creations.
## What is the Webview?
The webview is the view of your Replit App that visitors to your Replit App see when they click "Open website."
The webview appears full-screen in its own browser window, and has the following URL format:
(Or at your custom domain if you've set one up)
2. Add the following code before the closing `
` tag:
## Testing your Badge
1. Run your Replit App, then click "Open in a new tab"
2. Your badge should appear in the lower right. This is what visitors to your page would see
3. Click your badge to get back to the Replit App's cover page
## Changing the Color Theme
You can change the color of your badge by replacing `theme="blue"` with any color including dark, light, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, teal, blue, blurple, purple, magenta and pink.
## Changing the Position
You can change the position of your badge by adding a position attribute with a value of `top-left`, `top-right`, `bottom-left`, or `bottom-right`. If the position isn't changing, check the console for more information - you may have specified an invalid position.
## Removing the Badge
If the badge was already a part of your template and you would like to remove it, simply delete the script from `index.html`:
## Advanced: Custom Badges
If the default configurations aren't enough for you, you can create your own custom badges with standard HTML and CSS.
Badges are hosted on `https://replit.com/badge`, meaning you can embed an image to further style your badges with CSS. This also means you can embed badges in your GitHub repositories and other Markdown files!
You can also supply additional options not available in the script. For example, you can set the caption (maximum limit of 30 characters)

or even switch the badge variant to something smaller.

## Advanced: Embedding into Markdown
You can share off your Replit flare by embedding a badge into your repository README. The following Markdown snippet combines a link and image, allowing you to redirect users directly to your Replit App.
Try clicking this:
Please let us know in the community what you think of this feature. Replit App on!
# Authenticating users with Replit App Auth
Source: https://docs.replit.com/additional-resources/authenticating-users-repl-auth
Learn how to add user authentication to your Flask web application using Replit App Auth. Follow this step-by-step guide to implement secure user login.
*This tutorial is an expansion of [this one](https://replit.com/talk/learn/Authenticating-users-with-Replit-Auth/23460) written by [Mat](https://replit.com/@mat1)*
To help you authenticate users hassle-free, we have created Replit App Auth. This allows you to authenticate users without having to write your own authentication logic or work with databases. You can simply authenticate a user with their Replit account without the need to store secure passwords. It's also faster to set up than something like Google authentication.
In this tutorial, we'll build a basic Flask web application where Replit users can be authenticated with Replit App Auth. To show that a user is authenticated, we will display some of their Replit account information back to them.
The main components for this tutorial are:
* [Python](https://www.python.org/doc/) for serverside code.
* [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/) and [Jinja2](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/) for rendering a basic web page where the user can authenticate.
* [HTML](https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp) for the web page layout.
## Setup
You'll need a Replit account for this tutorial so if you haven't already, head over to the [signup page](https://replit.com/signup) to create an account.
Create a new Python Replit App and give it a name.
## Creating the Basic Flask App
Let's build a basic Flask app that will render a simple HTML page where we will add the authentication button and display the user's account details later.
In the `main.py` file, add the following code:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
app = Flask('app')
def home():
return render_template('index.html')
app.run(host='', port=8080)
Above, we have a basic Flask app that will render the `index.html` page which we will add next.
By default, Flask will check for HTML pages to render within a directory called `templates`. Create a new folder in the root directory and name it `templates`. Now create a new file within the `templates` directory and name it `index.html`.
Let's add some basic HTML to display `Hello, Replit!` on the landing page.
Copy the following HTML to the `index.html` file: